FAQ - Frequently asked questions
We always try to advise our customers in the best possible way. By phone, email or in our studio showroom on site. This advice is very time-consuming, so we ask you to first look at this FAQ page. Often the same questions are asked that we answer here.
What to do when packages seem to have disappeared?
- Secure packaging of the goods
- Providing the MRN number and properly affixing customs documents on the outside of the package
- Insuring the goods
Which one ist the right vintagetools rack for my mixer module?
In vintage German broadcast technology, there have been many different cassette formats over the years. This article brings some light into the dark.
Is it possible to put mixer modules from different manufacturers in one and the same rack?
Yes! The brand doesn't matter. Rather, the size and form of the module decides here. The brands Siemens and Telefunken built tube modules of the V72 epoch, later Siemens built in the Sitral and Telefunken in the V600 format. Finally, both of them also built A / B size Dannerkassettes. Most modules work with 24V DC and can use the same internal or external psu, but finding out which module fits on which rack can be difficult to everyone who is new to this kind of gear. This article sheds some light on the dark.
I live in the EU. Can I buy taxfree at vintagetools?
If the shipping destination is outside germany but inside the eu, you will need a valid var registration to make a tax free purchase at vintagetools. You simply need to register at our website and the data will be checked by the german tax authorities. Hiere´s more help:
I live outside the EU. Can I shop tax-free at vintagetools?
If your shipping address is outside the EU, you pay net prices at vintagetools. As soon as you are logged in, the prices that apply to you are displayed automatically. However, if you are not logged in, the shop always shows gross prices including 19% VAT.
Can I have my device repaired by vintagetools and what does it cost?
We are a small company and focused on repairing modules we have bought or building racks for our customers. There are a lot of external repair requests for analogue german broadcast technology from all over the world lately and we try to help where we can. However, we only repair vintage german broadcast gear and nothing else. Mainly what can be found on our website. This is the only way we can offer a good and affordable service to our clients. For all repairs, please send us an email with a description of the fault and / or some pictures.
Is there a distributor for vintagetools in my country? Can I order there or request devices for testing?
Almost everything we offer at vintagetools is rare vintage analog technology. This requires a limitation to small quantities. For this reason alone, distribution makes no sense. The customer cannot order from the music retailer of his choice, but does not pay the surcharge of around 50% for this service.